
Friday 18 May 2018

Science Roadshow 20178

I like the Rotating curtain because all you have to do is just sit on the chair and when you look everywhere it looked like your moving but your not. And when your eyes are open you get motion sick cause of your eyes ,ears, mouth and your touch cause they all cant work together

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Te Reo NŌhea koe

The Animal Disco

I enjoyed the disco  because  all of my friends were there. there  was even a raffle basket. we were listing to lazy siren and other songs but when they were  dancing  it was funny. My friends brought their  animal hats, they looked awesome.


Australia and New Zealand  fought together for their countries.
Nervous and scared families at home, wondering what was happening.
Zealous soldiers lied about their age with thoughts of great adventures.  
Armies gathered to fight at Anzak Koyu,a small cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Couldn't get everyone back from war,many people died or they chose
to stay.

By Krystal-Leigh